October 17, 2018

Conquering Content | 2018 CBS

Conquering Content takes a deep dive into how TV consumers find shows to watch—and how they feel about the discovery process

Back in January, Jon Landgraf from FX predicted that the number of new scripted shows introduced in 2018 would reach 520, up from 487 in 2017. As large as that number seems, it didn’t even include shows in other, non-scripted genres. In fact, Netflix alone is on pace to introduce about 700 new shows, across genres, this year.

We launched Conquering Content in 2013 to explore how consumers navigate the ever-growing deluge of TV programming: how they first hear about shows, how their discovery sources differ by genre, the characteristics of a show that make them most likely to give it a try, and even the number of episodes they’ll watch before deciding if a show is good enough to add to their regular viewing schedule.

In addition to cataloging the discovery methods consumers use, the study also looks at how they feel about the process: how easy or difficult it is to find shows to watch, the discovery tools that are most and least effective, and how their feelings have trended over time.

The study’s ultimate goal: provide content producers and distributors with insight they can use to develop strategies for making sure their shows stand out amid the clutter.

Online survey with 1,699 U.S. consumers age 16-74 who have broadband access at home and watch a minimum of 1 hour of TV per week.