July 21, 2023


The TV set continues to evolve, with four in five homes now having a smart TV, and with smart TVs accounting for three in five TV sets. With streaming established in almost all American homes, the next battle is over who is the gatekeeper: the operating system (OS) of the manufacturer of the smart TV or of the streaming media player?  The battling OSs have the potential to influence viewer behaviors as program discovery and selection, as well as behind-the-scenes business aspects such as who owns viewing data, and who gets the bigger slice of the ad sales pie. But do consumers care at all about the brand or OS of their set or streaming device?

The fifth year of this report continues to cover the current and emerging capabilities of TV sets, how they are used by viewers, and consumer attitudes towards “TV” in general. With data for many questions going back five years, we’ll be able to look at long-term trends to provide additional insight into many of these topics. The report will provide guidance to all stakeholders in the “TV value chain” (device manufacturers, content producers, content distributors, and advertising sellers and buyers) to help improve TV-related business outcomes.

Source: Interviews with 2,504 U.S. consumers age 16-74